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Giving Back

Macie Publishing Company is proud to supply recorders, books and curriculum materials for a number of outreach programs around the world.  Macie also contributes to organizations, such as Recorders without Borders and to missions that have brought music teachers to the Dominican Republic, Uganda, Haiti, El Salvador, Cuba and Honduras. We recently established a series of “Music Is For Everyone” educational grants for economically disadvantaged schools and districts encountering budgetary challenges in honor and loving memory of Ed Sueta.

Our partnership with nonprofit organization, Recorders without Borders supplies recorders and teaching materials for schools in Kenya.  In addition, they bring music teachers to Kenya every summer to aid in the implementation of a recorder program.

One of our clinicians, Ran Whitley goes on annual missions to teach music to young students.  Children are taught to play the recorder and get to keep their own instrument-which brings them great joy!  Ran has traveled to Honduras and Cuba and is planning a trip to Italy.  In addition, we have provided materials to Hearts of Honduras and Houses to Homes- a US based nonprofit that brings church members to Guatemala every summer to build homes for locals. Many children do not even have a place to live, much less a musical instrument to share the joy of music.  Pride of ownership is evidenced in the smiles on the childrens’ faces.

Macie donates materials to American schools who have experienced natural disaster or tragedy. We give free materials at state NAfME Conferences as well as local chapters of the AOSA.  We also provide free professional development (both online and live) for school districts and music conferences around the country.  Macie supplies free materials for review and door prizes for professional development meetings and review committees.

Macie works with many symphonies who have educational outreach programs in the United States.  Our sister company, Ed Sueta Music Publications has provided band books for the Tuba: The Uganda Baltimore Alliance which is a nonprofit organization providing music education to youth in Uganda-focusing on building job skills.

Macie is always proud to be part of the solution!  Please see our photos and contact Julie Sueta (juliesueta@maciepublishing.com) if you have questions or would like to discuss opportunities for us to partner with you.

Macie Publishing Company